How AI Makes Us More Efficient

When I’ve published on blog on SEO, I consider that a success. In no small part because it comes with all the catharsis one feels when one’s pet mouse reaches the impractical conclusion that started with a hypothetical cookie. Usually, I start with a title that I think is my thesis. It’s not long from there that I discover it’s...

September 19, 2024
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Investigate Positive Results Like They’re Negative Results

There was a boy who was an incredibly fast walker and no one knew this better than his girlfriend who’d frequently ask him to slow down. Yet time and again, she’d fall behind, but what kept her from growing agitated was the fact that the boy would raise a hand and silently say ‘I love you‘ in ASL as he...

August 31, 2024
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For Agency SEOs: Stop Reporting & Start Impact Tracking

For SEOs, one of the biggest differences between agency vs in-house is reporting. In-House SEO Reporting In-house, reporting is what you spend anywhere from 12-15% of every day doing.  More often than not SEO gets lumped in with other marketing channels that report daily, so you do too. Which likely means you’re in a daily standup meeting where you’re feeling...

June 2, 2024
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Why does every SEO agency sell me a site audit?

Organic traffic is down 30% globally, Y/Y. It started in June of this year. I have the time frame; I have the traffic channel; I don’t need another gosh darn site audit confirming what I already know! -Anyone who reaches out to SEO agencies to solve a problem This is a lament I hear a lot and — believe me...

December 4, 2023
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Sarah Winchester’s Coattails and Private Blog Networks (PBNs)

I know what you’re thinking… show me on a Venn diagram where these two overlap. Sara Winchester, widow to the ever-in-progress Winchester estate, and private blog networks the black hat SEO backlink tactic. Let’s start with private blog networks or PBNs. What is a PBN? A Backend Click-Bait Backlink Private Blog Networks are just that, high authority sites with their...

October 19, 2021
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Google adds Continuous (not Infinite) Scrolling on Mobile

Google’s specifying “continuous” vs “infinite” is the exact kind of semantic English grad BS that gets me excited about SEO. Let’s get one thing right, this is a big change and one that could have significant ramifications — certainly, potentially more so than the last few Google core algorithm updates, or even the spam updates. Hyperbole? Maybe. It depends on...

October 18, 2021
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The Psychology of a Content Strategy

Content is king. -Bill Gates It should come as no surprise that content is key to growing a website. From a technical standpoint, having new content helps remind users and bots that you’re active. So even if you have a tree trimming business and don’t think Facebook is for you, it’s helpful from a bot and user perspective. It’s also...

October 15, 2021
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What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in search engines to improve rankings and drive traffic. –Moz It’s getting your site found by people who don’t know you exist. At its worst, it’s the equivalent of a sign-spinner outside a pawn shop. At it’s best, it’s your perfect charades partner. This is also what makes...

October 14, 2021
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